Hemorrhoids are vascular cushions in the anal canal and are normal anatomical structures found in every human being. Disease symptoms occur when they grow and start to go out of the anus.
Which treatments are applied?
Conservative (supportive) treatment is effective in the initial period.
Conservative treatment;
Increasing dietary fiber intake (20-35 g daily)
Medicines that facilitate defecation (laxatives)
Sitz bath
Topical creams
Drugs that increase venous tone
Patients unresponsive to drug therapy; The treatment is planned according to the stage of the disease, the function of the breech muscles of the patient and the history of previous surgery, the age and gender of the patient. Sclerotherapy, rubber band ligation, laser photocoagulation etc. day-to-day, outpatient procedures can be done. The pain and complication rates of these methods are less, but the recurrence rate is higher than surgical procedures.
One of the surgical methods (hemorrhoidectomy, stapled hemorrhoidopexy, arterial ligation + mucopexy, etc.) is applied to patients whose other treatment methods are not suitable or unsuccessful.